The modular interactive tiles hold potential in the fight against obesity, since they promote a fun and fascinating way of making physical activities. In USA, more than 60% of the adult population is overweight or obese, in Northern Europe 15-20% of children aged 7-11 are obese, and in Southern Europe 30-36% of children aged 7-11 are obese. The modular interactive tiles use modern technology to fight this obesity problem, since they provide fascinating computer games, but now in a physical form that demands physical activity to play the games. For anybody, it becomes fun and fascinating to become physically active. The game level is adjusted to the individual capability. And contrary to other physical games, which are most often screen-based, there is no demand of a screen.
Weight Loss

The best way to lose weight may be through physical activity, according to research. But honestly, most fitness training, sports and other physical activities to lose weight are boring and repetitive, so nobody can be expected to become engaged to use their time more than a
few times on such activities. The modular interactive tiles provide a qualitatively different solution, which make you become so engaged in the physical games that you forget that it is a physical activity. Even though that you are moving and losing weight, you will have the greatest fun playing games on the modular interactive tiles. And you will be moving at your own pace. The tiles are equally suitable for all abilities: you can move fast or you can move slowly according to your own desire, and you will have equal fun playing the games. The games will keep you engaged, and week after week you will be able to monitor your progress on the tiles games. The tiles are modular and light weight, so you can easily store them
in a cupboard and set them up anywhere at home (e.g. in the bedroom, kitchen, hall way, living room) within 1 minute. All you have to do is to assemble the tiles like a puzzle to the form that you like, and then you start playing the games to lose weight. Since you decide the form, you can make the tiles fit anywhere in your house.

Fitness training can often feel repetitive and boring. With the modular interactive tiles, the fitness training becomes like playing computer games: fun and challenging. You can use additional weights when playing the games to further enhance the physical challenge when playing the games. You can easily change the size of the tiles platform by adding or removing modular tiles in order to increase or decrease the challenge and the level of the games. You can set the tiles up on a wall to provide fitness training for the upper body, or you can set the modular tiles up on the floor to provide fitness training for the lower body, or you may even combine the two.
Home Care
Staying as long as possible in the private home instead of going to hospitals or elderly care homes improves quality of life. A box of modular interactive tiles can be used for home care in any private
home, since it can easily be transported to the home, stored in the home, and set up e.g. in the living room within one minute. The modular tiles are simply put together, and then an elderly can immediately start doing exercise games in the private home, instead of going to the hospital or the rehabilitation center. The elderly or the patient can perform the exercises at home either as a means of prevention or as a means for rehabilitations. Only the modular interactive tiles allow for such a practice in the private home. Because they are modular, they can easily be stored and set up in any private home. And anybody can set up the tiles within 1 minute to fit into a living room, a kitchen, or a hall way. A report shows that elderly when training with the modular tiles in their private home found positive challenge when it came to their
balance, coordination and circulation. Also, the modular tiles challenged the muscular system and brought some cognitive challenges, since they required use of ability to concentrate. Observations of sweat, cheek colour and an enhanced respiration confirmed the respondents’ statements, and progress in movement patterns on the tile was observed, e.g. the ability to use longer steps, stepping backwards and sideways.